Public Domain C Library
public domainなC言語の標準ライブラリだって。libcみたいな?


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Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.

This includes removing authorship notices, re-use of code parts in
other software (with or without giving credit), and / or creating a
commercial product based on it.

This software is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk.
There is
no warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, and by using
this software you accept that the author(s) shall not be held liable
for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages, be they
incidental or consequential. Your only option other than accepting
this is not to use the software at all.

A case for Public Domain

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There was a time when you could just post a piece of code to usenet
and say, "I give it away for free; perhaps it's useful for you."

Then came the lawyers.

There are building blocks in software engineering that are so basic
that everyone should have free access to them without having to
employ a complete legal department for advice. They should be FREE.
Available for free, free of licensing implications, free of attached
propaganda, free of everything but their useful self.

Today, even the term "free" has to be defined by several paragraphs
of legal blah-blah.

Sick and tired of it, the author brought you this piece of software
under a "license" that should not be neccessary in the first place:
"Free" should have been enough.

What is it

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This is a C Standard Library. Nothing more, nothing less. No POSIX
or other extensions, just what's defined in ISO/IEC 9899.

(Well, this is what it will be when the 1.0 release comes out. See
the "Development Status" section to see what's implemented so far.)