Red Black Tree in C++ adopted by Arkadi Kagan

License: Academic Free License (AFL), Common Public License, GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Open Software License

// The RedBlack tree code was taken from free source in C language.
// Unfortunately I lost the author`s name :(
// The code adopted to project and turned into C++ template
// by Arkadi Kagan.
#ifndef __REDBLACK_H
#define __REDBLACK_H

template <class T>
class TRedBlack
// Red-Black tree description
typedef enum { BLACK, RED } nodeColor;
struct Node
Node *left; // left child
Node *right; // right child
Node *parent; // parent
nodeColor color; // node color (BLACK, RED)
T data; // data stored in node
Node sentinel;
Node *root; // root of Red-Black tree
Node *NIL;
: NIL(&sentinel)
sentinel.left = NIL;
sentinel.right = NIL;
sentinel.parent = 0;
sentinel.color = BLACK; = 0;
root = NIL;
// rotate node x to left //
void rotateLeft(Node *x)

Node *y = x->right;

// establish x->right link
x->right = y->left;
if (y->left != NIL) y->left->parent = x;

// establish y->parent link
if (y != NIL) y->parent = x->parent;
if (x->parent) {
if (x == x->parent->left)
x->parent->left = y;
x->parent->right = y;
} else {
root = y;

// link x and y
y->left = x;
if (x != NIL) x->parent = y;

void rotateRight(Node *x)
// rotate node x to right //

Node *y = x->left;

// establish x->left link
x->left = y->right;
if (y->right != NIL) y->right->parent = x;

// establish y->parent link
if (y != NIL) y->parent = x->parent;
if (x->parent) {
if (x == x->parent->right)
x->parent->right = y;
x->parent->left = y;
} else {
root = y;

// link x and y
y->right = x;
if (x != NIL) x->parent = y;

void insertFixup(Node *x)
// maintain Red-Black tree balance //
// after inserting node x //

// check Red-Black properties
while (x != root && x->parent->color == RED) {
// we have a violation
if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left) {
Node *y = x->parent->parent->right;
if (y->color == RED) {

// uncle is RED
x->parent->color = BLACK;
y->color = BLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RED;
x = x->parent->parent;
} else {

// uncle is BLACK
if (x == x->parent->right) {
// make x a left child
x = x->parent;

// recolor and rotate
x->parent->color = BLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RED;
} else {

// mirror image of above code
Node *y = x->parent->parent->left;
if (y->color == RED) {

// uncle is RED
x->parent->color = BLACK;
y->color = BLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RED;
x = x->parent->parent;
} else {

// uncle is BLACK
if (x == x->parent->left) {
x = x->parent;
x->parent->color = BLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RED;
root->color = BLACK;
Node *insertNode(T data)
Node *current, *parent, *x;

// allocate node for data and insert in tree //

// find where node belongs
current = root;
parent = 0;
while (current != NIL) {
if (compEQ(data, current->data)) return (current);
parent = current;
current = compLT(data, current->data) ?
current->left : current->right;

// setup new node
if ((x = new Node) == 0)
FatalError ("insufficient memory (insertNode)\n");
x->data = data;
x->parent = parent;
x->left = NIL;
x->right = NIL;
x->color = RED;

// insert node in tree
if(parent) {
if(compLT(data, parent->data))
parent->left = x;
parent->right = x;
} else {
root = x;


void deleteFixup(Node *x)
// maintain Red-Black tree balance //
// after deleting node x //

while (x != root && x->color == BLACK) {
if (x == x->parent->left) {
Node *w = x->parent->right;
if (w->color == RED) {
w->color = BLACK;
x->parent->color = RED;
rotateLeft (x->parent);
w = x->parent->right;
if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) {
w->color = RED;
x = x->parent;
} else {
if (w->right->color == BLACK) {
w->left->color = BLACK;
w->color = RED;
rotateRight (w);
w = x->parent->right;
w->color = x->parent->color;
x->parent->color = BLACK;
w->right->color = BLACK;
rotateLeft (x->parent);
x = root;
} else {
Node *w = x->parent->left;
if (w->color == RED) {
w->color = BLACK;
x->parent->color = RED;
rotateRight (x->parent);
w = x->parent->left;
if (w->right->color == BLACK && w->left->color == BLACK) {
w->color = RED;
x = x->parent;
} else {
if (w->left->color == BLACK) {
w->right->color = BLACK;
w->color = RED;
rotateLeft (w);
w = x->parent->left;
w->color = x->parent->color;
x->parent->color = BLACK;
w->left->color = BLACK;
rotateRight (x->parent);
x = root;
x->color = BLACK;

void deleteNode(Node *z)
// delete node z from tree //
Node *x, *y;
if (!z || z == NIL) return;

if (z->left == NIL || z->right == NIL) {
// y has a NIL node as a child
y = z;
} else {
// find tree successor with a NIL node as a child
y = z->right;
while (y->left != NIL) y = y->left;

// x is y's only child
if (y->left != NIL)
x = y->left;
x = y->right;

// remove y from the parent chain
x->parent = y->parent;
if (y->parent)
if (y == y->parent->left)
y->parent->left = x;
y->parent->right = x;
root = x;

if (y != z) z->data = y->data;

if (y->color == BLACK)
deleteFixup (x);

delete y;

Node *findNode(T data)
// find node containing data //

Node *current = root;
while(current != NIL)
if(compEQ(data, current->data))
return (current);
current = compLT (data, current->data) ?
current->left : current->right;
